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Live Protozoa Specimens >> Flagellates



The cryptomonads are a small group of flagellates, most of which have chloroplasts. They are common in freshwater, and also occur in marine and brackish habitats. Each cell is around 10-50 μm in size and flattened in shape, with an anterior groove or pocket. At the edge of the pocket there are typically two slightly unequal flagella.

Cryptomonads distinguished by the presence of characteristic extrusomes called ejectisomes, which consist of two connected spiral ribbons held under tension. If the cells are irritated either by mechanical, chemical or light stress, they discharge, propelling the cell in a zig-zag course away from the disturbance. Large ejectisomes, visible under the light microscope, are associated with the pocket; smaller ones occur elsewhere on the cell.

Cryptomonads have one or two chloroplasts, except for Chilomonas which has leucoplasts and Goniomonas which lacks plastids entirely.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Chilomonas - Class 12 $ 7.50
Chilomonas - Class 30 $ 8.20
Chilomonas - Class 60 $ 16.40
Chilomonas - Class 90 $ 24.60
Chilomonas - Class 120 $ 32.80
Chilomonas - Class 150 $ 41.00
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ChlamydomonasChlamydomonas is a genus of green alga. They are unicellular flagellates. Chlamydomonas is used as a model organism for molecular biology, especially studies of flagellar motility and chloroplast dynamics, biogenesis, and genetics. One of the many striking features of Chlamydomonas is that it contains ion channels that are directly activated by light, such as channelrhodopsin.
Description Price SelectQuantity
Chlamydomonas - Class 12 $ 7.50
Chlamydomonas - Class 30 $ 8.20
Chlamydomonas - Class 60 $ 16.40
Chlamydomonas - Class 90 $ 24.60
Chlamydomonas - Class 120 $ 32.80
Chlamydomonas - Class 150 $ 41.00
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The Volvocaceae are a family of unicellular or colonial biflagellates, including the typical genus Volvox. The family was named by Ehrenberg in 1834, and is known in older classifications as the Volvocidae. Originally it included all the colonial forms here grouped as the Volvocales, but since has been restricted to the spherical colonies, which form as a flat plate of cells and undergo a process of gastrulation before being released. These organisms have been studied by geneticists who hope that they may shed light on gastrulation in the development of other organisms, including humans.

Eudorina colonies are composed of 16 or 32 spherical, biflagellate cells loosely aggregated into a globular shape within a mucilage envelope. In some species the mucilage sheaths extend around each individual cell. The cells are spherical or ovoid and each have two equal flagella with contractile vacuoles at the base, an eyespot, and a large cup- shaped chloroplast with at least one pyrenoid. The eyespots of the anterior cells are larger than those of the posterior cells.



Description Price SelectQuantity
Eudorina - Class 30 $ 8.20
Eudorina - Class 60 $ 16.40
Eudorina - Class 90 $ 24.60
Eudorina - Class 120 $ 32.80
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Euglena is a genus of microscopic, one-celled organisms in the Protista kingdom.  There are about 150 species of euglenas.  They live in fresh water, and are especially common in warm seasons when they may form a green scum on the surfaces of small ponds or drainage ditches.

Euglenas have spindle-shaped bodies, and range in size from 1/1000 to 1/100 of an inch (0.025 to 0.254 millimeter) long.  Most species are green because they contain chlorophyll which allows them to produce food through photosynthesis for themselves, as well as serve as primary producers for aquatic ecosystems.  Some species also eat tiny particles of living matter.  Euglenas use a flagellum (a whiplike appendage) that sticks out from the body, to move and are thus categorized as flagellates. Euglena are commonly foundly infreshwater streams and ponds and make excellent specimens for study. They reproduce rapidly and can be studied under an ordinary microscope.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Euglena - Class 12 $ 7.50
Euglena - Class 30 $ 8.20
Euglena - Class 60 $ 16.40
Euglena - Class 90 $ 24.60
Euglena - Class 120 $ 32.80
Euglena - Class 150 $ 41.00
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Peranema are small flagellates and range in size from 20-70 um in diameter.  They are very active predators and scavengers.

This flagellate is common in waters rich in organic nutrients, especially in water in which decay is taking place.

The single flagellum projects straight forward, and a rapid rotation of its extreme end pulls the Peranema smoothly through the water.  The body of the Peranema can undergo extreme contraction and distortion as it moves. 

Peranema have been seen inside the bodies of dead rotifers and are said to absorb nutrients through their outer pellicle.  In addition, they can ingest quantities of detritus, bacteria, algae and even large organisms by expansion of the cytostome -- a cavity which lies at the base of the flagellum.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Peranema - Class 12 $ 7.50
Peranema - Class 30 $ 8.20
Peranema - Class 60 $ 16.40
Peranema - Class 90 $ 24.60
Peranema - Class 120 $ 32.80
Peranema - Class 150 $ 41.00
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Niles Biological, Inc.
9298 Elder Creek Road
Sacramento, CA 95829
(916) 386-2665